Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ang Trapeang Thmor

             Ang Trapeang Thmor is an ecotourism direction that has many natural views and attractions too. It is also a very big wild animal sanctuary. There are hundred types of birds which are living at this area. There are also many endanger species live in this resort as well. Some birds are globally threaten have attendant at this place. It is also a beautiful place that has river and forest. You will see nice view of the forest and river as you reach this resort. It is a good place for sightseeing and relaxing during holiday. You can spend time to see wonder landscape of the tree. Swimming is an exciting activity that should not miss at this resort too. You can go swimming and playing at the same time with your friends and family. One more thing, you can rent a boat to see the birds and their shelters too. 

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