Friday, August 22, 2014

Dei Ey Community

          Dei Ey Community is a natural place that protect by local people live there. This area surround by forest and bamboo. This site has a long history that local people usually tell each other each other. The former name of this place was Ta Bo village.This villager was founded 1914, and people started built their house from that time. Later on, French colony changed the name of this village to Dei Ey in 1919. Recently, there are lots people from different provinces such as Svay Reang, Prey Veng, Kompong Cham, Ta Keo, Kratie and Kompong Thom come to live in this community. When you go to visit this resort, you can stay at nice house in this community. The service is very good for you, and you can order many types of food at this place as well. This place is 46 kilometers from the provincial town, so you need to spend around one hour for travelling to reach there. 

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