Monday, August 4, 2014

Stung Treng province

             Stung Treng province is beautiful direction that has plenty of attractions, especially natural place. This province is 455 kilometers from Phnom Penh city, so you need to spend around 8 hours for travelling. It also borders with Lao, so you can go to visit Lao as well if you have enough time for your trip. Recently, there are many hotels and guest houses in the town of Stung Treng. Therefore, you are easy to find accommodation as you go to visit there. Moreover, there are lots of restaurants and food store too. One of the famous foods in this province is Pa Si Yi fish. Most people who eat this fish always say that is a very delicious fish. It is also expensive, and you can find it only flood season too. In dry season, fishermen are really difficult to find this kind of fish. For fruit, sweet tamarind and honey pineapple are also very popular at this province too. Therefore, you should try those of foods when you go to visit Stung Treng. For tour directions, there are many wonderful natural places that you can find there. You should arrange your time because there lots of beautiful places there. 

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