Thursday, August 28, 2014

Koh Pdao

            Koh Pdao is a beautiful island that has wonderful landscape and fresh air. It is a good place for relaxing during holiday or weekend. This island is in the middle of Mekong River. The water at this place is really nice for swimming, so you can spend time in the water too. The beach is also very nice as well, so you can play sports or other activities. It is a very good place for sunbathing and lying down too. You can see great view of the forest and nature there. At the same time, you are able to get fresh air at this resort as well. You will feel relax and happy as you go to visit this place. One more thing, there are also dolphins live nearby this island too. Therefore, you can rent a boat for travelling to see them as well.  It is really a nice place that you can do many exciting things there. 

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