Monday, June 23, 2014


           Ayuthaya is historical site in Thailand that visitors can see many ancient things there. It is an old city with hundred years ago. There are many ancient temples that visitors can explore at this place. Those temples have a long history with nice structures. Tourists should spend few days Ayuthaya because they need to travel from place to place to the temples. It they stay too short time there, they cannot see those wonderful things there. There are many tourists got to visit this historical place daily because they can see plenty of great things there. There are also many hotels that they can find stay too. The price for accommodation is not high, and it is really suitable for them. For food, there are also many places that tourists can go to with delicious food as well. Ayuthaya is also a famous tour direction in Thailand as well because there are many attractions there. There also many local people go to visit this place too.


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