Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kun Iam Statue

             Kun Iam Statue is also a famous worship place in Macau, and it has many years old too. This place is nearer to the city than A Ma Temple. Many local people live around also go to pray at this site as well. They believe that they can get good luck as they go to pray at this place. For tourists, it is also a direction for them as well. As they reach this place, they can pray go get safety for their journey and get good luck too. Moreover, they can also take pictures for themselves and with their tour members too. They can see the nice view around there. They can walk around to see the statue clearly with their members. If they feel tired, they can take and take some soft drink too. From time to time, Kun Iam Statue become well-known that attracts many tourists to visit this place every year. It is one of the tour directions for visitor when they go to Macau. For local people, they also go to this place for praying too. Therefore, it is not quiet at this area as there are many people usually go this site. It is a nice place for both local people and tourists to visit.

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