Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dubai Museum

             Dubai Museum is a historical place that visitors can see many wonderful things there. This museum has a long history and has many years olds too. As visitors see things that exhibit in this museum, they can find out culture of people in Dubai and the development of it too. It is a famous place that attracts both local people and tourists too. For local people, they know this museum very well because they usually go to see this place as they have free time to find out many things there. It is a good place for people who want to learn about history and culture too. For tourists, it is also their destiny to see many things that exhibit in this museum. They can learn many points through seeing the scripts that put on the things in this museum. There are many visitor that include both local and tourists go to see this museum every year. For this point, it becomes a famous place that many people also want too there too.

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