Friday, June 27, 2014

Rayong province

            Rayong province has gorgeous beaches with charming view that attracts many visitors every year. There are many mountains around this place with a big forest too. There are lots big trees that are shelters of wild animals and birds as well. Many local people there plant fruit trees as their jobs, so visitors can enjoy many kinds of fresh fruit as they reach this province.  Those fruit plants are rambutan, mango, durian and so on.  Moreover, they can also eat delicious seafood at beach when they go to visit this place too. This province is also famous of producing many seafood products as well. Those goods are shrimp paste, fish sauce, and dried seafood and so on. Many people live in this province work as farmers, and they can produce a big amount of agriculture product too. Rayong is a beautiful place that tourists should take time to visit there when they go to Thailand.

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