Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sun Moon Lake

            Sun Moon Lake is a natural resort that covers with lots of trees and a connection of five rivers as well. Five rivers include this lake, Shueili River, Puli, Jhuoshuei River and Jiji. This lake is also the source of electricity for the local area too. It can produce hydroelectric electricity for the usage of people live around this area. Moreover, there are also nearby waterfall and mountains that make the area of this lake more beautiful. Visitors never feel tired to see the beauty of this resort as they can many views of the nature. They can also rent a bike to cycle along the lake too. It is really an enjoyable activity to go along this lake for sightseeing. One more things, the boats are also available at this place too. Visitors can rent boat for go to see the view of this lake and forest around there as well. They can listen to voice of the birds during they are on the boat at the same time as well. It is a nice place that attracts many tourists every year.

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