Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tai O Fishing Village

            Tai O Fishing Village is beautiful place to see the nice view of the sea and nature. At this village, the house build on the sea water and people use boat for travelling. Most of people go fishing to make their living every day, and others work as sellers in the market. There are many fresh and dried sea foods at the market. Dried shrimp is a famous product at Tai O Fishing Village. There also other goods those visitors can buy as well. One thing that visitors should not forget, they should ride on the boat to go sightseeing. They can see nice view of the village. They can also see the dolphins that live the sea as well. There are mountains surround this village that make weather cool. It is really nice trip for riding the boat and takes photos at this place. There are many visitors go to see this village every year, and it is also a popular tour direction too.

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