Thursday, July 17, 2014

Night Market Siem Reap

             Night Market is a popular direction in the town that many visitors go there to enjoy many exciting activities there. There are multinational visitors go to see this market as they are able to find many type of goods there. There are plenty of things that they can buy such as jewelry, clothes, souvenirs, art works, pictures and so on. They need to spend some time to walk around as it is a big place too. One interesting activity, they can take time to test fish message. It is a fun and healthy action that they should not forget. There are many places that offer these services. The price for this message is just eight dollar for one hour. They just put their foot into the fish pool, and then fishes start message for them. It is an enjoyable activity for visitors to get this service. Moreover, there are also many restaurants that they can find various types of food there such as Khmer food, Thai, Japanese, Western and other too. Lots of fast food stores are available there too. Visitor can see many colors of light during night time at this place. 

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