Thursday, July 10, 2014

Prek Toal

             Prek Toal is a very beautiful natural resort with lots of type of birds live there. It is a very large Bird Sanctuary in Cambodia. Local authority pays high attention to protect this place through educating people and fine those who do illegal activities. This resort locates next to Tonle Sap Lake with plenty of flooded forests. They are shelters for the birds, and they also maintain the environment too. Tourist need to pay for fee for visiting this resort. This fee includes boat to travel along the river to birds there. The money that get from the tourists use to promote tourism in Cambodia. It is also the source for children’s education live there, and some money use to educate villager the important of trees and birds. The total area of this resort is 31,282 hectares. By the way, there are many places that visitors can find local delicious food there. The price is also suitable for all kind of foods as well. They are able to find places to stay overnight at this resort too. Prek Toal is a nice place with many natural attractions. 

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